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TARIFF ACCESS: To access TOTE Puerto Rico’s public STB tariff, click here
(enter User ID: tmgtstb and Password: Stbtmgt19! ).

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands Bunker Fuel Charge

November 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico Bunker Fuel Charge

November 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

October 3, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Island - Bunker Fuel Charge

October 3, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

September 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands - Bunker Fuel Charge

September 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.


August 4, 2022

Effective September 25, 2022 through January 8, 2023, a Peak Season Surcharge will apply to all shipments between the United States or Canada and St. Croix, St. Thomas or St. John. As a result, we will be instituting the below charges based on date of vessel departure:

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico Bunker Fuel Charge

August 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure:

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands Bunker Fuel Charge

August 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure:

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Intermodal Fuel Charge

July 11, 2022

As we continue to monitor fuel prices, we will be adjusting the Intermodal Fuel Charge, effective July 19, 2022 for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands trades.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

July 6, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands - Bunker Fuel Charge

July 6, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Total Accessorial Charge (TAC)

July 5, 2022

We are continuing to monitor the costs associated with security and terminal handling. As a result, we will be adjusting our Total Accessorial Charge (TAC) as follows.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Intermodal Fuel Charge

June 2, 2022

We are continuing to monitor the prices we pay for our Intermodal Fuel Charge. We will be adjusting the Intermodal Fuel Charge, effective June 12, 2022.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico Bunker Fuel Charge

June 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff, effective 7/1/2022.


June 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff, effective 7/1/2022.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Free Time & Demurrage in Puerto Rico

June 1, 2022

We are continuing to monitor the costs associated with equipment and terminal operations in Puerto Rico. As a result, we will be adjusting our tariff rule.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Chassis Usage Charge in Puerto Rico

June 1, 2022

We are continuing to monitor the costs associated with equipment and terminal operations in Puerto Rico. As a result, we will be adjusting our tariff rule.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Environmental Recovery Fee (ERF)

May 6, 2022

We continue to monitor the costs associated with the use of marine diesel fuel. As a result, we will be adjusting our Environmental Recovery Fee (“ERF”) as follows.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands Bunker Fuel Charge

May 6, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

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Puerto Rico: 1.877.775.7447 Alaska: 1.800.426.0074