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TARIFF ACCESS: To access TOTE Puerto Rico’s public STB tariff, click here
(enter User ID: tmgtstb and Password: Stbtmgt19! ).

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

August 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands - Bunker Fuel Charge

July 6, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

July 6, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico Bunker Fuel Charge

June 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico will maintain the current bunker fuel levels based on the vessel departure date.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands Bunker Fuel Charge

June 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico will adjust our tariff, effective July 1, 2023.


May 18, 2023

Click Download to view the new Military Household Goods Rates that are effective May 1, 2022 though April 30, 2023.

TRADE NOTIFCATION - Virgin Islands Bunker Fuel Charge

May 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico Bunker Fuel Charge

May 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will maintain the current bunker fuel levels as follows based on date of vessel departure:

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands Bunker - Bunker Fuel Charge

April 4, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

April 4, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands - Bunker Fuel Charge

March 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

March 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands = Bunker Fuel Charge

February 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico - Bunker Fuel Charge

February 2, 2023

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Intermodal Fuel Charge

January 10, 2023

TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico will adjust the IFC, effective February 1, 2023.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Puerto Rico Bunker Fuel Charge

January 4, 2023

TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff, effective February 1, 2023.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands - Bunker Fuel Charge

January 4, 2023

TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico will be adjusting our tariff, effective February 1, 2023.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Virgin Islands - Bunker Fuel Charge

December 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - Bunker Fuel Charge - Puerto Rico

December 2, 2022

After reviewing the costs of our delivered LNG, TOTE Maritime will be adjusting our tariff as follows based on date of vessel departure.

TRADE NOTIFICATION - General Rate Increase - January 1, 2023

December 2, 2022

TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico, LLC (TOTE) has experienced and continues to incur inflationary escalations in operational expenses. As a result, TOTE has filed a General Rate Increase (GRI) of 8.6% to be effective on January 1,2023, for shipments to/from the United States and Puerto Rico.

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Puerto Rico: 1.877.775.7447 Alaska: 1.800.426.0074