Effective October 15, 2023, the inland/arbitrary fuel surcharge Item 346 shall be increased to 58.20%.
TOTE Maritime Alaska has filed a General Rate Increase (GRI) of 6.25% to be effective Sunday, November 12, 2023. This rate action was filed with the United States Surface Transportation Board in Washington, D.C.
TOTE is announcing the official start of KFF (Keep From Freezing) service to begin with our northbound voyage 23161 departing Tacoma on Wednesday, October 11, 2023.
Please find our sailing schedule for the upcoming holidays as well as our regulatory drydock schedule. We will follow up with specific terminal hours in Tacoma and Anchorage closer to the holidays.
Effective September 17, 2023, the inland/arbitrary fuel surcharge Item 346 shall be increased to 54.40%.
Effective August 20, 2023, the inland/arbitrary fuel surcharge Item 346 shall be increased to 48.50%
TOTE Maritime Alaska will reduce the Ocean Fuel-Related Surcharge by 5% effective May 21, 2023.
Midnight Sun SB Voyage 23026 is scheduled to arrive in Tacoma early Thursday morning, February 23.
Tariff Item 345 shall be reduced by 7.0% from 45% to 38% effective Sunday, January 1, 2023.